
The Two Christmases and the Two (or Three) Atheist Options

Please note: this post has been moved here.


  1. "This is why Jesus’ birth is celebrated and why the majority of the world sets its calendars according to His birth."

    Not quite. The reason the majority of the world sets its calendars accordingly is because European culture and civilization have become dominant over the rest of the world in the last few hundred years, and Christianity has traditionally been a component of that civilization.

    Ironically, the primary and most important reason Christianity has become so widespread across the planet is because of something very un-Christian: violence, war and conquest. Nothing special there.

  2. "Ironically, the primary and most important reason Christianity has become so widespread across the planet is because of something very un-Christian: violence, war and conquest. Nothing special there."

    Blah blah blah....same old song and dance. It is really tiring to here this in some form over and over again. There is no teaching an old dog new tricks. Why waist the time.

  3. Anonymous, you'll have to explain to me why that statement is invalid or irrelevant. Might require some actual analysis--but I thought so-called "Apologists" were into that kind of thing?

    Let me explicate this further: although I am not a Christian, as I understand it, the central message of Jesus revolves around peace, love, agape, and all that good stuff. Christianity the organized religion, though, has become exceedingly successful across the world primarily through violence, war and conquest--which obviously contradict that basic message.

    It was imposed, often violently, on African slaves in the New World (slavery also being inconsistent with that message), and on the African continent later; it was violently imposed on Native Americans, as well. In addition, within Europe and the western world, various Christian sects and denominations incessantly warred with each other for centuries with the purpose of establishing themselves as the only "official" religion in their domain.

    I don't know, seems pretty straightforward to me.

  4. I think it's fair to say that nothing is actually known about Jesus until after he started his ministry, or at least until he met John. I find it rather disingenuous to state that X many prophecies were "fulfilled" when it is rather obvious that, in writing 50 years+ after his death, the stories (various and conflicting) were made to fit the prophecy (which actually concerned future Davidic kings).

    I don't believe Jesus would have approved of Christmas, as he was not a god, stated as much, and he declared that the future is already here. For 2000 years we have been disregarding a message and celebrating a man, I pry that will soon change.
